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     We are delighted to announce that the wait is nearly over and the books will be available soon. We have just a few logistical hurdles to overcome and we are working at top speed to tackle them!

                                                              HERE ARE THE FINAL DRAFT COPIES OF THE BOOK COVERS-journalists who would like to review the book for their media outlets should contact Myke at books(AT)



Father Boleslaw Szewc  informed us on 5th July 2024 that Mr Meirion Jordan from Wales had completed his editing of the text  and his amendments. It was not without controversy though! Apparently one of the contributions supporting Father Bryan was flagged and the woke people in society tried to intervene in what could be published in the book. The Editors discussed the matter and chose NOT to censure the contribution!

The cover to the books will each have a removable wrapper with a dedication to Father Bryan who did so much to promote the `Meditations on the Eucharist`  series of books. 



The above cover shows the dedication wrapping in place


© Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie

(Scientific Publisher, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw)

© Wydawnictwo FIDEI (FIDEI Publishing)

©Fr. Bolesław Szewc


The above cover shows the book without the dedication wrapping


© Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie

(Scientific Publisher, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw)

© Wydawnictwo FIDEI (FIDEI Publishing)

©Fr. Bolesław Szewc



Many will have wondered why the books have not already appeared for sale. Father Boleslaw Szewc has updated us today with the following message " I apologize for silence. I have had a number of challenges. Nevertheless the project to publish books continues, however delayed. The printing is possible during one to two months." Your prayers for the success of the project are appreciated



Last year I wrote about plans to publish all six books by Fr. Dajczer edited
by Fr. Bryan. At the beginning of the year, the new idea came. Cardinal
Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, where Fr. Dajczer worked, as a professor, has been
ready to publish these books in English. I already have church approval for
the texts from Archbishop Mark O'Toole, now from Cardiff. I hope to publish
the books in autumn. The release would be in two volumes. Three books and
three books.Fr. Boleslaw Szewc
Copyright ©Fr. Boleslaw Szewc   © Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie 2023


Many have contacted us since the death of Father Bryan Storey on 26th July 2018 asking how to get hold of the last 3 books in the series.

Copies of Books 1-3 in English can be brought from this website

Book I - The Mystery of Faith: Meditations on the Eucharist 

Book II - Amazing Nearness: Meditations on the Eucharist  

Book 3 - Increase Our Faith: Meditations on the Eucharist

The last 3 books in the series 

Book 4-Sacramental Presence:Meditations on the Eucharist

Book 5-By the Power of Faith:Meditations on the Eucharist

Book 6-Undiscovered Gift:Meditations on the Eucharist

Father Boleslaw Szewc & Father Bryan Storey had prepared to publish the 6 books by Father Tadeusz Dajczer on the Eucharist. The first three had been published when Father Szewc became ill in 2017.The following year Father Bryan went to meet the Lord. Then followed the so called "Pandemic"!

Father Boleslaw has completed the English texts of the books and they are ready for publication. He has been in contact with professional publishers in the UK and hopes to print all 6 books next year on the 5th Anniversary of the Death of Father Bryan Storey.

Father Boleslaw told us "For now, it is only my dream to publish all books next year. However, I have three ideas about it. They are concerning two publishers in UK. Third idea is to continue Fr Bryan's self-publishing with help of my Polish friends in Scotland"

Above website is in Polish about a book sold on this site in the past



Eucharistic Renewal Books/Life of Father Bryan Storey, 1933-2018

Friday 22 July 2022 Holy Mass was celebrated for the Repose of the Soul of Father Bryan Storey in Musau Marian Chapel ,Austria at 0800hrs under the intention of the Rosenthal-English Family.
Holy Mass could not be celebrated on his actual anniversary 26th July as the Priest, Father George Simon is away that week.

Father Bryan Sidney Storey was born 8th May 1933 in London. He was the oldest son of Dorothy and Sidney Storey and had a younger brother Keith, who died a few years ago. He was evacuated to Cornwall with his schoolmates in 1940. He and his brother Keith stayed with Rita Deacon (Auntie Rita) and her son Roger, who lived in Bossiney Road, Tintagel. He attended St. Materiana Anglican Church in Tintagel every Sunday and was greatly influenced by Canon Arthur Cuthbert Canner. It was here he soon discovered his belief in God. In 1948 he converted to the Catholic faith. After having worked in various London accountancy firms, he did his two year compulsory military service in the R.A.F. as a clerk. In 1953, he was accepted for training in the Catholic seminaries of St. Augustine’s, Walworth, London and St. John’s, Wonersh, near Guildford, Surrey (1953-1960).

Father Bryan was ordained on 16th June 1960 at St. Anselm's Church, Tooting Bec, SW London, by Archbishop Cowderoy for the Diocese of Southwark. He served 11 years as a curate at the Parish of St. Peter in Portland Road, Hove. During this time the new Diocese of Arundel and Brighton was formed, and he became a priest of diocese on 14th June 1965. In 1971 he moved to Cornwall. It was meant to be a temporary move but lasted over 47 years! For two years he helped the Canons Regular of the Lateran based in Bodmin, to serve 16 mission stations in Cornwall. He was allowed in 1973 to be Priest in Charge of the C.R.L. Mission in Tintagel.

In 2000 the Canons Regular of the Latern (C.R.L.) left Bodmin due to decreasing vocations but Fr. Bryan stayed on. These were extremely hard years for him, as priests did not get a salary. He lived as the poor do. He found a little flat in Trewarmett run by Roger Deacon and his wife Pat. He lived there for many years before buying his own little cottage in Trewarmett and then finally building Chy an Pronter (Priest's House in Cornish), and living his final years next to the church he had served and loved so well.

The mission is not small and in his younger days Fr. Bryan would cycle everywhere in the parish visiting his parishioners and searching out those who had lapsed through the Legion of Mary. He also founded the International Crusade for Moral Reform and ran Eucharistic Renewal Books. He loved writing letters on subjects that interested him, appeared on many radio stations throughout the UK, and was even given a 5 minute slot on Channel 4 so he could have his say on morality.

Many in the media labelled Fr. Bryan a controversial priest because of his conservative views, but those who knew him saw deeper into the heart and soul of the priest. He was a man of faith, which showed by his actions towards others. He would be the first to ask everyone to pray for the repose of his soul as he was "a great sinner". But this great sinner led many to repentance, many converted to the Catholic Faith because of his love, life and great belief that God had greater things for all of us if only we would open our hearts to Him.

Fr. Bryan had a great love for the Blessed Sacrament and spent many hours kneeling in front of the tabernacle in deep prayer. The confessional was also a very high priority in his life–not only did he confess regularly, but he made himself available at all times for those in need of the Lord's mercy.

In 2010 he celebrated his Golden Jubilee of the Priesthood at St Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Tintagel, Cornwall. During the last few years of his life, Fr. Bryan suffered from two types of cancer, Parkinson's disease, and finally he broke his hip and died due to complications caused by pneumonia.

Fr. Bryan's body was received at 1600hrs 8th August into the Catholic Church of St. Paul the Apostle, Tintagel, Cornwall, UK. It remained in repose overnight until his requiem was celebrated at 1200hrs 9th August 2018. The principal concelebrant was Bishop Mark O'Toole of the Diocese of Plymouth. His own Bishop Richard Moth of Arundel and Brighton and Bishop Emeritus Rt. Rev. Dr. Hugh Christopher Budd PhL STD of Plymouth Diocese and 14 priests also concelebrated his Requiem. There were other priests in the congregation as well as religious sisters and representatives from our brothers and sisters in the Anglican and Methodist churches. One person who attended the Requiem and is not a Catholic said, "There was loads of bishops and priests there, he had a lovely send off. The sun was shining, church full and loads outside. Then a lovely wake at the Social Hall, Tintagel. Food was excellent – Father Bryan would have loved all the cake!" Over 200 people attended his Requiem. His body was then taken for a private cremation before his ashes were buried in the Church Memorial garden.


Coffin of Father Bryan Storey leaving the church after the Requiem Mass for the repose of his soul. © Photo Sandra M.

Fr. Bryan's ashes were interred in the Garden of Remembrance adjoining the Church after Mass celebrated by parish priest, Father Ciarán McGuinness, at 1200hrs on September 5th 2018. Mass was celebrated in Austria for the repose of his soul on Saturday 08th September 2018, the birthday of Our Lady, for whom he had a great love. Another Mass was offered on Saturday 20th of October 2018.


Please pray for the repose of his soul.

Myke Rosenthal-English (Personal friend for over 59 years and former Media Secretary to Father Bryan)



Photos and Videos






Radio Interviews


Worldwide Obituaries and Comments


Faith Magazine

Father Bryan was a frequent contributor to Faith Magazine. The Faith Movement is a group of priests, religious and lay people drawn together by a shared vision of God made Man as the fulfillment of Creation. It was formed in 1972 with the aim of advancing the Catholic faith in the modern world by working together to attract many to discipleship of Jesus Christ. It gladly welcomes and accepts the teachings of the Second Vatican Council (1962-5). It is inspired and encouraged by the Council's desire to renew the Church and re-evangelize the world through a deeper vision of Jesus Christ our Lord and God as the key to the meaning of the universe and of our own lives (cf. Gaudium et Spes 10). The movement was founded by Father Edward Holloway (Slim) who was one of Father Bryan's tutors in the seminary.

This obituary appeared in their magazine written by Father Chris Findlay-Wilson. Father Chris Findlay-Wilson is a priest of the Diocese of Plymouth, UK. He is parish priest of the Parishes of St. Joseph & St. Walburga and Our Lady of Fatima, Poole. The obituary was printed on page 10 of the March 2019 issue of Faith Magazine.


Catholic South West

Plymouth, UK Diocesan monthly newspaper reports death of Father Bryan Storey:






Article from Tintagel Web News

"Tintagelweb is very sad to announce the death of the very popular Tintagel Catholic Priest Father Bryan Storey today Thursday July 26th 2018, in hospital in Treliske, Truro.
I had known Bryan and his late brother Keith since they came to Tintagel as evacuees in 1939. He was a lovely kind man, a gentleman, a brave man and I'm proud to say a dear friend. He will be sadly missed in the local area and throughout Cornwall and the World. He could be very controversial but always very plausible in his reasoning. He was very caring, loved Tintagel and its residents. I used to always stop and talk to him when I saw him strolling down through the village which, when well, he used to do often. I will always miss him, his humour, his strength and just being his self, Bryan Storey.
Rest in Peace Dear Friend,
David Flower"
St Mang Basilica,Füssen,Germany
0830hrs 26 JULY 2021
Holy Mass was celebrated for the Repose of the Soul of Father Bryan Storey on the 3rd anniversary of his death.
the Celebrant was Father Raphael OFM and the mass was
celebrated in the monk`s choir. The first time  since the beginning of the covid pandemic, Mass has been celebrated there.


The Original website of Eucharistic Renewal Books:


Eucharistic Renewal Books

Overcome Materialism through Spiritual Renewal Today

Eucharistic Renewal Books was founded and run by Father Bryan Storey. He was impressed by the 6 books written by Father Tadeusz Dajczer, founder of the Families of Nazareth movement, and helped to translate the books into English.


Book I - The Mystery of Faith: Meditations on the Eucharist

Click to Purchase


Book II - Amazing Nearness: Meditations on the Eucharist



Book 3 - Increase Our Faith: Meditations on the Eucharist




The last 3 books in the series 

  • Sacramental Presence: Meditations on the Eucharist
  • By the Power of Faith: Meditations on the Eucharist
  • Undiscovered Gift: Meditations on the Eucharist



Eucharistic Renewal Books

St Paul the Apostle Catholic Church,Tintagel,Cornwall,UK